Unsere ausgezeichneten Experten haben jahrelange Erfahrung in der Auswahl von Zutaten und der Komposition von Düften, die als olfaktorische Abenteuer betrachtet werden können. Wir freuen uns, Ihnen einige Bewertungen vorstellen zu können, die unsere Position in der Welt der Parfums unterstreichen. Bereiten Sie sich auf eine Reise vor.
CRA-YONs Parfümkollektion für jede Stimmung
Unsere Parfümkollektion ist wie eine Nonstop-Party für Ihre Nase! Wir haben eine Reihe von Düften zusammengestellt, die Ihnen das Gefühl geben, durch Blumenfelder zu tanzen oder an einem tropischen Strand zu faulenzen. Von spritzigen Zitrusdüften bis hin zu süßen und frechen Kreationen bietet unser Sortiment etwas für jede Stimmung und Persönlichkeit.
CRA-YON unterscheidet sich von anderen. Dank seiner langanhaltenden Formel bleibt der bezaubernde Duft den ganzen Tag über bei Ihnen, steigert Ihr Selbstvertrauen mühelos und zieht alle Blicke auf sich. Ob bei besonderen Anlässen, wichtigen Meetings oder einfach, um sich großartig zu fühlen, CRA-YON ist Ihr idealer Begleiter.
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Schauen Sie sich echte Bewertungen von Beauty-Redakteuren, Geschäftsprofis, zufriedenen Kunden und namhaften Magazinen an
"One thing is for sure, I need one of each" - @leyglow Leyla Aksoy
I am completely floored by this new Swedish niche perfume house that I stumbled upon by pure chance last week. I was strolling around NK before a workout and asked to try something new, and I was introduced to Cra-yon, which was just launched. April 2020 to be exact. A perfume house that has decided to uphold high quality, offering Eau de Parfum accessible to a larger audience while thinking sustainably.
No plastic around the perfume box or any other excess. Vegan and Cruelty-Free, beyond masculine and feminine, the scents are for everyone regardless of gender identity. There are three Leyla scents in completely different ways. The scents are deep, have character, are well-balanced, and develop beautifully!
I was immediately drawn to Vanilla CEO because I'm a vanilla girl, but definitely not a "vanilla that smells like cookies" kind of girl. A fragrance must be more special to capture my attention, and this one does it!
Then we have Sand Service, which is a spicy fragrance with strength that settles like a gentle hug over the body. I absolutely want to bury my nose in a neck that smells like Sand Service forever.
Lastly, Passport Amour, which for me is a perfect rose fragrance. For several days, I've been placing these three fragrances in different places on my body, which means I walk around constantly sniffing myself"
"To make us travel, build an empire, or find love" - Mélanie Nauche, Beauty journalist, Vogue France
To make us travel, build an empire, or find love... The three creations that make up Cra-Yon's first playful collection prove that the natural fragrance industry can also be a lot of fun. Our favorite: Passport Amour, a beautiful contrast between a soft rose and powerful woods. The result is both mysterious and very sensual.
"We are predicting this collection is about to become the newest essential for editors, influencers and the beauty fanatics across the globe" Cult Beauty
Say Hello to your new fragrance obsession, CRA-YON. Stripping back the unnecessary excess normally associated with luxury perfumes, the brand reveals instead something simple (and irresistable): chic, sustainable scents you are set to fall in love with.
I don't always take the The High Road but in this case I would as it smells delicious' - Georgina Graham, make up artist @_georginagraham_
Another trend prediction a rise in individuality and awareness will see a desire for bespoke or small batch perfume so the consumer can smell more unique and less mass.
"New favourite" Johanna Vikman, customer
Bought this *Caramel Days to mark a new era in my life and it did not disappoint! Exactly how I want to smell all summer. Different but still very approachable
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